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Ossan Militian

Ossan Militian, maiden’s name - Kurkjian, born in 1976 in Beirut/Lebanon, Arsen’s daughter.
Although her mother – who is also ethnically Armenian, – originally had Lebanese citizenship, Ossan and her sisters were, according to Lebanese law, Syrian refugees like their father. Because of this they were disadvantaged in Lebanon. With her husband and two children she lives in a town about 20 km from Beirut, near the sea. She was a kind of substitute child and grandchild for Helen’s grandmother Araxe. 
Ossan grew up in the time of the Lebanese civil war.
In a story from her Armenian kindergarten experience, Ossan tells of how children burned a Turkish flag together.
Neither Ossan nor her parents have ever been to Armenia. She has also never been to Europe. Manuel’s cousin – born in the same year as his daughter Helen - was the first „foreign“ relative, that Helen met on her research trip to Beirut, a meeting captured by Helen from her hand camera.

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