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Irmgard Walter-Kurkjian

Irmgard Walter-Kurkjian, maiden name - Burkel, 1950 in Selbitz, Kreis Hof. Until her wedding she was never abroad. At the age of 22 she met Manuel in Ulm and married him, although she had no deep understanding of his cultural background.
First, Irmgard was not keen on Manuel’s idea of moving to her birth place after his retirement nor his suggestion of immigrating to Armenia.
She was an unwanted child, but that was not the reason for not wanting to return to her hometown. She had changed and developed during her life spent with Manuel and thought that she couldn’t feel at home anymore in Selbitz.
For the past ten years Irmgard has worked in the neighboring town of Bad Steben, in an old people’s home. The passionate cook is a creative, lively, extremely communicative woman, who is interested in foreign cultures, though she never has learnt Armenian or another foreign language.
She knows Manuel better than anybody else. That’s why she is an important person for interaction and discussions.

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